The Space.Org Difference: True Modularity
There's been a lot of talk in the industry about "modularity" over the years, dating back as far as NASA white papers in the 1970s[1], but very little delivered. Many vendors claim to be "modular", but then limit that to components they've built and designed themselves, radically limiting customer choice.
Space.Org's platform offers true modularity: transparent, multi-vendor, module-level integration. It places minimal requirements on module suppliers to comply with arbitrary standards. Satellite designers using our free online 3D design platform can easily add a thruster package from one vendor, a communications module from another, and a star tracker from another, yet have them all be guaranteed to work together. On top of that, our spacecraft will be verified compatible with specific launch platforms, and pre-integrated with the customer's choice of ground services.
Painless Design and Build
Our patent pending approach to modularity eliminates well known pain points of spacecraft design and build:
Fixed cost pricing (when using standard components) - costs are known at every step of the process, and dynamically update as changes are made
Easy multi-vendor interoperability - standardized physical and logical interfaces for power, communication and control
(most) Meetings eliminated, no more endless, process-driven meetings that accomplish very little and waste precious time better spent doing actual engineering
Single pane of glass integrating easy online collaboration and project management
Use the same test equipment with multiple spacecraft, no custom built systems needed (in most cases)
No MLI wrapping (every engineer's worst nightmare) - thermal control interfaces are standardized and integrated at the module level
No wiring harness, either for testing or integration (engineers will love that)
No custom frame design needed - our system scales with payload size, from 30 kg to 1500 kg (and up!)
Flight proven components - modular reuse ensures reliability, and amortizes design costs over dozens to hundreds to thousands of launches
All this leads to radically shortened design and build times, along with radically decreased costs. Imagine going from concept to a ready to test, pre-qualified spacecraft in less than a day (using standard components)! Our platform enables exactly that.